If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, there is help available. Please contact a helpline if you need support yourself or are seeking help for a friend.If you are worried about a friend, encourage them to contact a helpline as well.If someone is in acute danger or at risk, please call the local emergency number.
If your country is not listed below, please contact the local emergency services.
## Worldwide
## Australia
Lifeline Australia
Phone: 13 11 14
Kids Helpline
Phone: 1800 55 1800
Phone: 1800 650 890
## Austria
Advice on the wire
Telephone: 147
Telephone counseling - emergency call 142
Phone: 142 (24 hours/day)
(chat & email)
## Belgium
Centrum Ter Preventie Van Zelfdoding
Phone: 1813
## Brazil
Phone: 188
Email: atendimento@cvv.org.br
## Canada
Kids Help Phone (for young people under 20)
Phone: 1 800 6686868
For people over 20, find a crisis center near you: http://suicideprevention.ca/thinking-aboutsuicide/find-a-crisis-centre
## Czech Republic
Linka bezpečí
Phone: 116 111
Pražská linka důvěry
Phone: 222 580 697
Linka důvěry Ostrava
Phone: 596 618 908
Phone: 737 267 939
Linka duševní tísně Most
Phone: 476 701 444
Skype: ldt.most
Linka důvěry DKC
Phone: 241 484 149
Skype: ld_dkc
Linka bezpečí
Phone: 116111 (children and young people)
## Denmark
Phone: 70 201 201
Phone: 116 111 (The children's hotline is open daily from 11:00 to 23:00).
## Finland
Suomen Mielenterveysseura
Telephone: 09 2525 0111
## FranceS.O.S Amitié
Phone: 09 72 39 40 50
## Germany
Telephone counseling
Telephone: 0800 111 0 111
Telephone: 0800 111 0 222
Number against grief
Telephone: 0800 111 0 550 (for adults)
Telephone: 0800 111 0 333 (for children)
## Greece
Klimaka NGO
Suicide Help Greece
Phone: 1018
## Hong Kong
The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong
The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong
Phone: 2389 2222
The Samaritans Hong Kong
Phone: 2896 0000
## Hungary
Magyar Lelki Elsősegély Telefonszolgálatok Szövetsége
Phone: 116 123
E-mail: sos@sos505.huKek Vonal
Phone: 116-111
## India
Phone: 91-22-27546669
Phone: 91-22-27546667
E-mail: aasrahelpline@yahoo.com
## Israel
Phone: Free number within Israel: 1201
Phone: Outside Israel: 972-76-8844400
SAHAR (Emotional Support Hotline) (Hebrew)
SAHAR (Emotional Support Hotline) (Arabic)
## Italy
Telefono Azzurro
Phone: 19696
Telefono Amico
Phone: 199 284 284
## Latvia
Phone: 371 67222922
Phone: 371 27722292
## Lithuania
Lietuvos emocinės paramos tarnybų asociacija
Vaikų linija (children's telephone)
Phone: 116 111
Jaunimo linija (youth telephone)
Phone: 8 800 28888
Vilties linija (hope hotline)
Phone: 116 123
E-mail: 116123@viltieslinija.lt
Pagalbos moterims linija (Women's hotline)
Phone: 8 800 66366
E-mail: pagalba@moteriai.lt
Linija Doverija (support for Russian-speaking customers)
Phone: 8 800 77277
## Luxembourg
SOS Détresse - Hëllef iwwer Telefon
Phone: 454545
Phone: 116 111
## Mexico
Consejo Ciudadano
Phone: 55 5533-5533
Instituto Hispanoamericano de Suicidologia, A.C
Phone: +5255 46313300
E-mail: info@suicidiologia.com.mx
## Netherlands
Stichting 113 Zelfmoordpreventie
Telephone: 0800 0113
## New Zealand
National Depression Initiative
The Lowdown
Phone: 0800 111 757
SMS: 5626
E-Mail: team@thelowdown.co.nz
Phone: 0800 376633
SMS: 234
E-Mail: talk@youthline.co.nz
E-Mail: parenttalk@youthline.co.nz
## Norway
Kirkens SOS
Phone: 815 33 300
## Poland
Fundacja Dzieci Niczyje
Phone: 116 111
## Portugal
SOS voz amiga
Phone: 213 544 545 / 912 802 669 / 963 524 660 (daily from 15:30 to 00:30)
## Russia
Samaritans (Cherepovets)
Phone: 007 (8202) 577-577 (9-21 o'clock)
EMERCOM Psychological Service (Интернет-служба экстренной психологической помощи)
Phone: 007 (495) 989-50-50
## Serbia
Centar Srce
Phone: 0800 300 303
E-mail: vanja@centarsrce.org
## Singapore
Samaritans of Singapore (SOS)
Phone: 1800 221 4444
E-mail: pat@samaritans.org.sg
## South Africa
The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG)
Phone: 0800 567 567
SMS: 31393
## South Korea
Korea Foundation for Suicide Prevention (한국생명존중희망재단)
Phone: 02-3706-0500
보건복지부 보건복지콜센터 (Ministry of Health & Welfare Call Center)
Phone: 129 (24시간 위기상담 / 24-hour hotline)
정신건강증진센터 정신건강위기상담전화 (Mental Health Center Crisis Counseling)
Phone: 1577-0199 (24시간 위기상담 / 24-hour hotline)
## Spain
Teléfono de la Esperanza
Phone: 902500002
## Sweden
## Switzerland
Tel 143 - La Main Tendue - The Helping Hand - Telefono Amico
Phone: 143
## Taiwan
MOHW Suicide Prevention Line (衛生福利部)
## United Kingdom / Ireland
Phone: 116 123
E-mail: jo@samaritans.org
## United States
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Phone: 1 800 273 TALK (8255)
Lifeline Crisis Chat
Veterans/Military Crisis Line (for active US service members, veterans and family members)
Phone: 1 800 273 8255, key 1
SMS: 838255
The Trevor Project (for LGBT youth, friends and family members)
Phone: 1-866-488-7386
Chat/Forum Moderation - Nathalie